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Making Ddal Gear a Good Company

My last update talked about why Ddal Gear can make a difference and why I’m passionate about that difference. This update will talk some about the goals I have for Ddal Gear.

I have a lot of goals for Ddal Gear and it will take many, many posts to go over all of them. But beyond making a difference for women in martial arts, I want Ddal Gear to be the company for which people want to work.

What makes a company a place where people want to work? I think it boils down to a few basic principles and how they are implemented.

  1. Value your employees, have their backs and demonstrate both.
  2. Pay them fairly and compensate them when the company does well.
  3. Encourage work life balance, including working from home when possible/necessary and paid time off that does not have to be justified.
  4. Healthcare benefits for all employees regardless of status.

How will Ddal Gear do this? First, it will not treat them like the enemy, like they are out to screw the company and do as little possible. Hopefully in the hiring process we will find employees that are just as passionate about women in martial arts as Ddal Gear. We expect give and take. If there is a pressing deadline, we hope that employees will step up to the plate.   If our employees need to stay home with a sick child or go to the school play, Ddal Gear would encourage that as well.

Paid time off can be used as the employee sees fit. If an employee needs a mental health day, he or she should take it. We will encourage employees to take all of their paid time off each year, unless saving for a specific event. Relaxation is important for productivity at work.

Our customers are not always going to be happy or reasonable. We will screw up because we are human. We will make things right with our customers but we will not allow anyone to treat our employees poorly or verbally abuse them. Management or the owner will step in during those situations.

We will empower our employees with the ability to make customers happy without checking every little decision. If we need to make a policy change so that everyone knows the limits, we will do that.

Ddal Gear is a for profit company. However that isn’t its only end all be all. It’s needs to be profitable for the greatest number of people. Employees need a good income, customers need comfortable well-made reasonably priced uniforms, the owners need to recoup investment and Ddal Gear needs to promote women in martial arts. A reasonable amount of profit is good, but anything over reasonable will be divided between employees, reinvestment in the company and charity, like sponsorships of female martial artists.

Healthcare is an important part of everyone’s life. It is Ddal Gear’s goal to cover employees’ health insurance. To start we may only be able to pay a portion of healthcare coverage. As the company improves and becomes profitable, we will cover everyone working over 10 hours per week. We will make health insurance available to those employees working less than 10 hours per week with Ddal Gear making a contribution toward coverage.

If Ddal Gear values its employees and treats them as the integral part of success that they are, Ddal Gear will ultimately be more profitable because less time will be spent training employees and our employees will be more productive and happy!

Leah M., Senoia, GA.

I absolutely loved how it looks and feels on. It is so much more flattering than any dobok I’ve ever seen. It was comfortable and super easy to move, kick and punch in. If I could order one, I would today, no question!